KCD Denmark will be back in 2025.
More information regarding KCD Denmark 2024 video recordings, speaker slides and more will be available soon.
Check back here for updates.

The KCD Denmark organizers would like to thank
all attendees, speakers, partners & sponsors
who joined our 2024 conference!
KCDs are a global, community-organized events that gather adopters and technologists from open source and Cloud Native communities for education, collaboration, and networking. KCDs are supported by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).
This years conference, was the second KCD event in Denmark, and we are greatfull for all the kind words, you have given us upon the event. It was a blast to meet all the Cloud Native professionals and experts during the two day event. We're also proud to announce that all 350.000DKK in profits from the event were donated to Coding Pirates, a non-profit organization dedicated to developing IT creativity in children.
If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact sponsor@kcddenmark.dk or view our prospectus